Utbildningar och Events

Varje år genomför vi ett antal event och utbildningar – de flesta för medlemmar och några tillsammans med andra aktörer i branschen. Vissa är planerade i god tid innan – men lika många uppstår spontant bland våra medlemmar, i form av meet-ups eller interna webinarier.

Vi kallar ofta våra egna träffar för kompetensevent. Innehållet för varje sådant skiljer sig åt, med teman som spänner mellan en stor bredd av ämnen – allt från improvisation och teater till ekonomi och försäljning.

Föreningens konvent är årets största och viktigaste event. Då samlas vi för årsmöte, intern kompetensutveckling och nätverkande.


Internationella talarkonvent

För dig som vill inspireras av talarkollegors tips och visdom runt om i världen, eller själv föreläsa där, så följ denna länk till Global Speakers Federation och framtida events.

Vill du få inbjudningar till våra öppna event och utbildningar utan kostnad?

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Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Gone – Embracing Courageous Action for Personal and Professional Growth as a Speaker

In this empowering talk, Nigel will delve into the transformative power of boldness and bravery in personal and professional speaking spheres. You will explore how embracing courage can lead to profound growth and success in your speaking business. Through real-life examples and actionable strategies, you will learn to confront challenges head-on, seize opportunities, and propel themselves forward fearlessly.

You will understand the importance of feedback in recognizing areas for improvement and growth. Learn how to leverage feedback to refine your skills and enhance your performance, ultimately increasing your chances of success and rebooking.

You will embrace taking calculated risks to pursue your goals and aspirations. You will learn how stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to innovation, growth, and unparalleled opportunities for success. Gain the confidence to embrace uncertainty and boldly pursue your dreams, knowing that the greatest rewards often come from daring to venture into the unknown.

About Nigel:

Nigel Risner is a motivational speaker and author known for his expertise in leadership and communication. He has received several awards for his work in these areas.

Nigel Risner is called the “Zookeeper” because of his book “It’s a Zoo Around Here”, which uses the metaphor of a zoo to describe different personality types that exist within organizations. In his book, he classifies people into four different animal types – lions, monkeys, elephants, and dolphins – based on their behavior, communication style, and work preferences. According to Risner, lions are strong, dominant, and goal-oriented, monkeys are energetic and thrive on change, elephants are patient and detail-oriented, and dolphins are creative and people-focused. By understanding these different personality types, individuals and teams can learn how to communicate more effectively, work together more efficiently, and achieve their goals more successfully.

Risner uses his expertise as a motivational speaker, coach, and author to help individuals and organizations understand the animal types within their teams and work with them to achieve their goals. Through his engaging and humorous approach, he encourages people to embrace their unique strengths and talents and work collaboratively with others to achieve success.

Obs: Detta är ett online-event ednast för medlemmar. Länk till zoom-mötet hittar du på Talarföreningens Facebook-sida»

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